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Development of Digital Competencies through the Erasmus+ Programme.

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To explore how the Erasmus+ programme’s principles are implemented in the context of digital transformation, the Foundation for the Development of the Education System initiated and took on the coordination of the international research project “The Ecosystem of Digital Competence Development in Erasmus+ Programme” in 2022.


The goal of the study is to provide information, conclusions and recommendations regarding how the Erasmus+ programme can impact the digital transformation of beneficiary organisations and the development of digital competencies among their employees.

The project is planned for the years 2022-2025 and is carried out in collaboration with the “Centrum Cyfrowe” Foundation. National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Programme from seven countries ¬— Belgium (Flemish Region), Italy  the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and Turkey  — are partners in this endeavour.

The first phase of the research has been completed. It involved preparing national reports by all project partners, presenting the results of the research modules conducted so far, including desk research, online surveys, and in-depth individual interviews. We invite you to read the report from this research phase, prepared by FRSE and the “Centrum Cyfrowe” Foundation.