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Erasmus+ and digital transformation – completion of phase I of the study

The Research and Analysis Unit has concluded the first phase of the international research project "The ecosystem of digital competence development in Erasmus+ Programme", launched in 2022 and coordinated by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. Its aim is to examine how the digital transformation objectives of the Erasmus+ programme are being implemented.

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The project has been planned for the years 2022-2025 and is implemented in cooperation with Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation. Erasmus+ National Agencies from 7 countries contribute as project partners: Belgium (Flemish Region), Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey.

The first phase of the study is finalised. It includes an analysis of context documents for partner countries, an online survey for Erasmus+ project coordinators and in-depth interviews with the management of beneficiary organisations. The results obtained so far demonstrate that the implementation of Erasmus+ projects by beneficiaries often constitutes a factor supporting the digital transformation of the organisation.

More results for Poland can be found in the already published report "Erasmus+ and digitisation. Report on the study of beneficiaries", prepared jointly by FRSE and the "Centrum Cyfrowe" Foundation, available in both Polish and English versions. In pararell, similar reports were being developed in the other 6 partner countries of the project.

Almost 60% of the coordinators of the projects that launched in 2022 believe that participation in the programme has significantly improved the attitude of the organisation's employees towards digital transformation (59%). A similar percentage indicated that the digital competences of the organisation's employees have developed as a result of the project (61%), and as many as 68% felt that mobility has improved the digital competences of the participating learners.

The above conclusions were confirmed in the in-depth interviews. It turns out that, for some organisations, Erasmus+ has played the role of a game changer – a catalyst for starting the process of transformation and improving digital competences. This is particularly true for smaller organisations, often characterised by undeveloped digital competences among staff.

In the second phase of the study, planned for 2024-2025, in addition to further exploring the issues raised in the first phase, more attention will be given to the international dimension of the phenomena described. Therefore, we already encourage you to follow the next findings on digital transformation and the development of digital competences with the support of the Erasmus+ programme.