From offline to online. LSP classes in Spanish philology during the pandemic
DOI: 10.47050/66515796.196-217
Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
In the text, an attempt will be made to diagnose the needs of specialist language teacher working in the Polish education system. The data illustrating the key problem are based on surveys conducted in the last five years among LSP teachers of Polish technical and vocational schools, as well as from the analysis of the Polish education system, in which foreign language teachers gain preparation for the profession and carry out their own teaching mission.
teaching language for specific purposes (LSP), LSP teacher needs analysis, needs analysis, needs of LSP teachers
DOI: 10.47050/66515796.28-52
The article is a chapter of the publication: Perspectives on LSP teacher training in Poland.
DOI: 10.47050/66515796.196-217
DOI: 10.47050/66515796.178-194
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DOI: 10.47050/66515796.54-109
DOI: 10.47050/65591685.202-225
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