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Rola zawodowa nauczycieli i nauczycielek akademickich języka angielskiego specjalistycznego
Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
Strategies of Higher Education Institutions in the Field of Adult Education on the Example of Postgraduate Studies
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Wydawnictwo FRSE
The dynamics of the labour market and new career models have meant that lifelong learning has grown into a strategic challenge in the field of European education. Among the priorities of the European Higher Education Area is just lifelong education which means the necessity of implementation of lifelong learning objectives at the level of individual EU member countries’ policies. Therefore the purpose of research constituting the core of this work was to verify whether various types of Polish universities are ready to put the ideas of lifelong learning into practice. This knowledge would make it possible to forecast higher education market’s growth, and it might be used by officials shaping educational policy in their strategic and operational activities at the national level as well as by representatives of universities in their work on a daily basis.
Citation: Anielska, A. (2022). Higher Education and Non-Traditional Students. Strategies of Higher Education Institutions in the Field of Adult Education on the Example of Postgraduate Studies. Warsaw: FRSE Publishing. doi.org/10.47050/66515888
Rola zawodowa nauczycieli i nauczycielek akademickich języka angielskiego specjalistycznego
The influence of society, economy and culture on the educational choices of women and men.
Wpływ społeczeństwa, ekonomii i kultury na wybory edukacyjne kobiet i mężczyzn.
During longer stays in a non-English-speaking country, the knowledge of English is not enough to function successfully in a new environment on a daily basis.
Publikacja na temat edukacji całożyciowej (lifelong learning) w Polsce.
The aim of this publication is to analyse the education process of language for specific purposes teachers in Poland.
Analiza procesu kształcenia nauczycieli języków specjalistycznych w Polsce.
Podczas dłuższych pobytów w kraju nieanglojęzycznym znajomość języka angielskiego nie wystarczy, by na co dzień swobodnie funkcjonować w nowym otoczeniu.
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