Let’s make inclusion happen!

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Let’s make inclusion happen!
Inclusive education for a fair, resilient and competitive EU

Conference as part of the Presidency of the Republic of Poland in the Council of the European Union

16-18 March 2025 | Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw

Between 1 January and 30 June 2025, Poland holds the Presidency in the Council of the European Union. The National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme and the European Solidarity Corps (Foundation for the Development of the Education System) has been assigned to support the upcoming Polish EU Presidency and its activities.

Since 1993, the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) has managed programmes, projects and initiatives aimed at broadening basic and specialist knowledge and acquisition of new skills and competencies in formal, non-formal and informal education settings. FRSE is the only institution in Poland that possesses such a broad experience in managing education programmes, especially EU programmes: Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. The range of other programmes and initiatives that the Foundation manages includes: eTwinning, Eurodesk, Europass, Euroguidance, Eurydice, EPALE.


About the conference

Conference Let’s make inclusion happen! Inclusive education for a fair, resilient and competitive EU took place from 16th to 18th March 2025 in Warsaw.

Watch videos from this inspiring discussion:

Day 1 [EN/PL]


Day 2 [PL]


Day 2 [EN]



High Quality Inclusive Education is an approach shaping learning, teaching and upbringing processes which aim to enhance the educational opportunities for all learners, by providing appropriate conditions to help them reach their individual potential (both within and outside the classroom environment as well as through the work of educators, specialist and other stakeholders).

It aims to enable all learners, regardless of their age, gender, nationality and any challenges they may have, to enhance their personal qualities and fully include everyone in the life of local community and wider society. It is a systemic, multidimensional and multidirectional approach striving to identify all barriers to education and to remove them by adapting educational requirements, learning contexts, pedagogical approaches and educational organisations to the needs and capabilities of each learner as a full participant in the educational process.

Thus High Quality Inclusive Education based on the assumption that every learner matters equally constitutes one of the main priorities of the Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union in the first semester of the year 2025.

Expected Outcomes and Objectives

The conference conclusions are expected to inform the work of policymakers, senior officials, experts, and practitioners from EU Member States thereby facilitating development of each country’s action plans/roadmaps For High Quality Inclusive Education and its implementation into preschool and school daily practice facilitating the transition of learners from education to the labour market.

Main aims

  • Increasing public awareness of the rights of all learners to High Quality Inclusive Education arising from the provisions of the European Pillar of Social Rights, The EU Comprehensive Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child Guarantee, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
  • Promoting international dialogue on the meaning of HQIE in EU Member States to provide all learners with different educational needs with access to inclusive educational systems;
  • Identifying and promoting information on existing resources and challenges in the field of the implementation of High Quality Inclusive Education in preschool and school practice;
  • Empowering learners’ and experts’ voice envisaged in existing recommendations (including those elaborated by the EC WGs and international organisations, such as: EASNIE, UNICEF, UNESCO, OECD);
  • Supporting the work of the European Commission on the development of indicators which could be used by EU Member States to monitor the implementation of HQIE in their national education systems.

Conference programme and workshop sessions

The conference programme includes plenary sessions, power speech, panel discussions as well as interactive workshops dedicated to different aspects of inclusive education. The conference participants had the opportunity to learn and exchange experience on how education policies as well as initiatives undertaken by civil society in the Member States are moving towards more accessible and quality educational systems to support diverse needs of all learners.

Conference agenda – see here.



Nine thematic workshop sessions were devoted to the following aspects of inclusive education:

The discussions and presentations of projects and initiatives from different EU Member States were evidence-based, involved stakeholders, focused on existing effective resources and recommendation as well as built on cooperation and peer-learning. The results of the discussion sessions and the recommendations worked out during the conference will contribute to the Conclusions of the Polish Presidency in the EU in the field of education.



Conference participants: moderators and speakers – see here.


Abstracts – see here.

Participants of the discussions:

  • representatives of ministries of the 27 EU member states,
  • representatives of the European Commission,
  • experts of international organisations (European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, UNICEF, UNESCO, OECD),  
  • teaching and non-teaching staff in pre-schools and schools,
  • staff of pre-schools and schools,
  • managing authorities of pre-schools and schools,
  • universities,
  • government administration,
  • local government administration,
  • children, young people,
  • parents,
  • representatives of non-governmental organisations.

The talks addressed the implementation of inclusive education using existing resources at European and national level.

Specific topics:

  • inclusive early childhood education and care,
  • effective working with diverse groups,
  • inclusive vocational training systems,
  • support in entering the labour market,
  • staff preparation for inclusive education,
  • intra- and inter-sectoral cooperation,
  • monitoring the quality of inclusive education,
  • empowerment of children and pupils in the learning process,
  • modern technologies in inclusive education.

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